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Powered by REINZ data, PropertySmarts is a member only subscription-based Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) tool for real estate professionals that helps your team deliver professional and personalised CMA reports.

PropertySmarts is one of the most comprehensive CMA tools in the market and the only one with unconditional sales data, giving you the most up-to-date property data for your area.

Interested? For further information please contact the team on 0800 473 469 or email us at: [email protected]


Member login

Streamline your team's operations with the following great features

Easier regulation compliance

Get REINZ unconditional sales data, front-page title previews and a photo library all in one place — making it easier to collate the required comparable information.

Up-to-date unconditional sales data

PropertySmarts includes residential and rural sales data from REINZ members, making it the most up-to-date property information tool in New Zealand.

Fully-customisable templates

Design custom templates for your brand, then upload supporting pages such as awards, testimonials and campaign messaging to personalise reports further.

Reporting for Branch Managers

See all appraisals created by your sales team — making it easier to comply with regulation and supervision responsibilities — and track appraisal to listing conversion rates.